Electric Dog Fence Systems

Families who have dogs have to share the responsibility of taking the dog outdoors for exercise and for potty breaks. Using a leash is necessary, unless you have a fence around your property. In some cases, those that do have a fence have to worry about their dog digging underneath it or jumping over it. Those who have looked into buying a dog fence may find themselves surprised at how much it will cost them to install one.

An alternative to traditional fences that is growing in popularity is known as an electronic dog doors. You may have heard the term invisible fence® before. This refers to a specific brand of electric dog fence. With an invisible brand fence®, the company comes out and installs their dog fence for you. Although the concept is ideal, the price tag that comes along with it is far from it.

If you are interested in invisible fencing® but are turned away by the cost, you should look into installing an electric dog fence for yourself. It generally takes a day or less for you to install a system that is of equal quality as an invisible fence®. Three quality electric dog fence manufacturers include Perimeter®, PetSafe® and SportDOG. Or consider a diy dog fence system. Amazon electric dog fences are also affordable.

One of the best things about having an underground dog fence is that it won’t obstruct the view of your home. Your dog will stay safely within your yard. When you let him out, you won’t have to worry about him getting lost or running out into the street. Now that you understand why it makes sense to have an wireless electric dog fence, let’s take a moment to talk about how they work.

You begin by burying a wire around the perimeter of your property. If you prefer, you can also plant the wire above ground using garden staples. This wire acts as a boundary for your dog, which is the specific line where you don’t want him to cross. You then have a wireless transmitter, which is kept indoors or in another weatherproof location. The third element is a special collar that your dog wears. The transmitter emits a radio signal that communicates with the wire and in turn with the dog collar.

When your dog enters the boundary zone area that you have set in front of the wire, he will hear an audible tone. This is designed to act as a warning, letting him know he should not come any further. Should he continue to approach the wire, the dog will receive what is known as a static correction.

A static correction is a mild static shock, which is equal to what it feels like when you run across the carpet in your socks and then touch a doorknob. Your dog may be a bit startled by it, but it should not be considered painful. There is generally a two-week training period involved with the learning process. With a bit of guidance from you, your dog will learn to respect the limits you have established for him.

And there you have it. Your dog will be able to enjoy what it feels like to run off the leash and you will appreciate not having to worry about your precious friend getting away from you.